Infrastructure Maintenance

Hazardous Rock

Ensuring a safe slope requires loose or hazardous rock to be scaled from the face of the rock. This can be accomplished by drag scaling or mechanically scraping to remove the unstable rock from the slope.

Median Barrier Replacements

Damaged and aging concrete median barriers, used to separate oncoming traffic, are replaced with precast barrier or cast in place after the area has been properly excavated and compacted. Concrete is inspected throughout the project to ensure the quality and longevity of the barrier.

Tree Clearing

The landscape of our roadways is forever changing and the growth of trees along the sides of our roadways creates a driving hazard by concealing animals that could dart into the roadway. Taking a proactive approach to clearing trees ensures motorists with increased visibility and a safer commute.

Bird Preventative Measures

The protection of animals during construction is a high importance to any contractor. PNL has been contracted to install a variety of measures to help minimize the disturbance of animals from trapping of highway bridges and culverts to installing of bird and bat houses to help with the protection of these animals.